In my role as dean of the College of Health and Science at Concordia University, St. Paul (CSP), I collaborated in the acquisition of two resource-intensive healthcare programs associated with university closures. In December 2016, CSP began the acquisition process for a pre-licensure nursing program, and, in March 2019, CSP acquired a diagnostic medical sonography program. Currently, in April 2020, CSP is pursuing the acquisition of a third program, a pre-licensure nursing program in another state also associated with a university closure. The acquisitions had similarities and differences, with one primary dissimilarity being my leadership and recognition of lessons learned from previous acquisitions. If you find yourself in a similar position in which you are wondering about program acquisition, here are some suggestions to guide you along your way.

Supporting Faculty and Staff Mental Health and Well-Being: Community, Connection, and Balance
Last month, I introduced the U.S. Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being. The framework was created to start deeper conversations about change and well-being in the workplace