In spring 2019, a young first-year student from my Introduction to Logic course came to my office hours for advice on selecting her courses for the following year. As she was enthusiastic about philosophy and displayed excellent reasoning skills in my logic course, I asked her whether she had decided on a major, hoping that she might consider philosophy. She mentioned that she was considering nursing or health sciences as possible majors. I noticed her near exclusive focus on a clear and secure path to employability. When I suggested that she would make an excellent philosopher and began to list some ways a philosophy major could benefit her, she interrupted me and confessed that she could never tell her parents that she decided to major in philosophy. “You’re out of your mind,” they would say. “How could you ever expect to get a job with a degree like that?”

Supporting Faculty and Staff Mental Health and Well-Being: Community, Connection, and Balance
Last month, I introduced the U.S. Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being. The framework was created to start deeper conversations about change and well-being in the workplace