Addressing the Student Debt Crisis: Steps Universities Can Take
The US finds itself at a crossroads as it confronts the challenge of repaying student loan debt. Over the past 30 years in Michigan alone, state support for public colleges
The US finds itself at a crossroads as it confronts the challenge of repaying student loan debt. Over the past 30 years in Michigan alone, state support for public colleges
The signs of a fundamental shift in the attitudes, motivations, and learning expectations of students deciding where to attend college or university are well established. Due to rising costs (e.g.,
The president and the provost were talking about their biggest challenge: retention. Between students’ freshman and sophomore years, the college was losing almost 40 percent of its students. For many
In Our Underachieving Colleges (2006), Derek Bok, former president of Harvard University, challenged higher education institutions to do more in providing an education more supportive of building character in undergraduates.
Some 84 percent of low-income students and 59 percent of students of color do not go on to graduate from college. However, Florida International University (FIU), the number one university
It takes considerable effort and resources to create an online education degree program. Therefore, it is in the best interest of faculty, staff, and administrators to retain students who decide
Inevitably, deans and department chairs will have to deal with student misconduct. However, what once may have been an issue handled within the university gates is now likely to involve
My partner and I often joke that we have a mixed marriage. Our joking is not exclusively because one of us is Black and the other is White. It is
When it comes to college learning environments, the majority of students (55%) prefer some form of blended learning over either purely face-to-face or fully online courses. This is one of
The stereotypical college student is always searching for clubs, activities, and other ways to be engaged on campus. Unfortunately, not every student fits that description, leaving department chairs, deans, and
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