Switching Stance: What Higher Education Can Learn from Skateboarders about Well-Being
When the New York Times ran a story in 2021 about our skateboarding research, it highlighted skateboarding as a site of safety, community, and agency
When the New York Times ran a story in 2021 about our skateboarding research, it highlighted skateboarding as a site of safety, community, and agency
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and “normal life” as we knew it came to a screeching halt in March 2020, schools at all levels, from preschool through college and university,
This June, delegates from institutions of higher education around the world gathered at Allegheny College for the Fifth World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities (WSSD-U-2022) to focus on educating
Diversity and inclusion have risen to the top of the agenda for colleges and universities in recent years, following high-profile protests and a demand for representation based on protected characteristics
In recent years, higher educational institutions (HEIs) have come to rely more heavily on data-driven assessments for decision-making, including students’ satisfactory academic progress. The need for students to successfully complete
When the pandemic began, students could no longer meet with faculty for classes and other in-person meetings. Consequently, formative feedback students received from their faculty regarding their performance on exams
Higher education often struggles to meet the needs of at-promise students—that is, those from low-income, first-generation, and racially minoritized backgrounds (Kitchen et al., 2021). Colleges and universities graduate students from
In fall 2021, the Wall Street Journal published an article about the gradual disappearance of men from four-year colleges and universities (Belkin, 2021). This article reignited a national discussion about
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As an administrator, I often ask myself whether learning has taken place—although my language may be a little more colorful. I want to avoid wasting my student’s time and effort,
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