Online Education Growth Rate Slows
Since 2003, the first year that the Babson Survey Research Group and Sloan-C published their national annual survey of the state of distance education, the report has shown online learning
Since 2003, the first year that the Babson Survey Research Group and Sloan-C published their national annual survey of the state of distance education, the report has shown online learning
What if we were able to offer academic leaders a small cushion of free time (perhaps every other Friday afternoon) to reflect, dream, and devote their energies to what they
It is time for academic leaders to start bringing some balance into the age of accountability. The truth is that teaching and learning are far more dynamic than simply checking
As leaders we are expected to lead and manage change. A core success in that endeavor is to foster, create, and lead highly collaborative teams. A powerful way to achieve
What atmosphere are you creating at work? Institutional polices form a threshold for promoting access and equity, but it’s up to academic leaders to create an environment in which people
Student recruitment is not the exclusive domain of admissions staff. There are many things that department chairs and faculty can do to promote their programs to potential major and minors.
Market forces such as student and parent concerns about employability, students’ need for flexibility, and decreasing traditional-age enrollments in New England are causing Colby-Sawyer College to rethink its approach to
Memo to academic leaders: I am sitting quietly in my dean’s office, a serene place I first occupied in 1986, reflecting on a book by Susan Cain, one that I
In an interview with Academic Leader, Candace Atamanik, research manager in the Center for Leadership at Florida International University’s College of Business, explained how introverts lead and how to create
When few faculty members are willing to serve as department chair, two questions come to mind: why, and what can we do about it?
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