Department Chairs and Old Turtles
Being a department chair did not come easily to me. Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about my experience of working with my department chair, because it is the time
Being a department chair did not come easily to me. Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about my experience of working with my department chair, because it is the time
While most academic leaders are aware that the academy is in a time of significant changes, most also know that their units are difficult to reshape and lead in new
The impression one might receive from reading many of the most popular books on leadership or management is that these activities take place in a vacuum. “When situation X occurs,
Most of us start out with few, if any, tools in our leadership toolboxes and add resources only as we mature, gain more experience, receive appropriate training, and learn from
Make no mistake about it: any job that requires you to say “No” to people from time to time will cause you to meet resistance. Our lives would be far
Today’s chief academic officers are uniquely positioned to help their colleges build and take full advantage of their most important asset—a differentiated curriculum that is valued by the marketplace. Doing
George D. Kuh and his research team (Kuh, Kinzie, Schuh & Whitt, 2011) profiled 20 colleges and universities in a study focused on fostering and maintaining student engagement and success.
Doctoral students typically do not receive preparation for future academic leadership roles, a shortcoming of graduate education that Rutgers University’s PreDoctoral Leadership Development Institute (PLDI) is seeking to fix.
There are many varieties of associate and assistant dean positions. Some specialize in a single area such as assessment or faculty development. Others have broader duties (i.e., associate dean of
Today’s presidents and chancellors are donning more hats than ever before to provide skilled, visionary leadership. Yet in a challenging academic environment in which financial and technological pressures are mounting
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