Thomas McDaniel

Dean as Delegator

I don’t know about you, but I always feel as though delegation is one of those practices that deans need to do better. I speak from sad personal experience. As

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Devilish Deaning: WWMD?

My son the political philosopher, who works under a devilish dean at a here-unnamed state university, assures me that Stanley Bing’s new book, What Would Machiavelli Do?, misses the essence

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Reflections of a Retired Dean

Reflections of a Retired Dean

To serve a college or university as a dean or provost is a special honor and responsibility. I had the pleasure to be in such offices—from department chair, to division

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More Tools for the New Dean’s Toolbox

Last year, I wrote an essay for Academic Leader suggesting that new deans should examine the administrative implements in their metaphorical ”toolbox” to make sure they were ready for the

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